Elvis einziges Kind :seine Tochter Lisa Marie

Am 1 Februar 1968 um 17:01 Uhr kommt Lisa Marie zur Welt. Elvis kam herein ,küßte mich und war völlig hingerissen.Er verliebte sich sofort in Lisa und sah zu ,wie ich sie in den Arm hielt,und dabei traten Tränen des Glücks in seine Augen.Dann umarmte er uns beide und hielt uns lange umschlungen .Er flüsterte ''wir haben ein kleines Mädchenbaby bekommen (Zitat aus dem Buch von Priscilla ''Elvis und ich '').Elvis ist stolz auf seine Tochter.Jetzt war er nicht nur Rock'n'Roll Star Elvis sondern auch noch Vater Elvis .

Lisas Tribut an ihren Vater

Nobody Noticed It (Live) Tribute

Lisa Marie Presley - Nobody Noticed It
live from 2003

this is a tribute from her to his loving father..

I heard broken footsteps
Was that you limping?
Well, I wish that I had spent just a little bit more time with you
Tears on my ceiling
Weren't you watching?
Well, I guess none of us will ever know what comes after this

You're still lovely
You were lovely then
All that you had to endure
I guess nobody noticed it

I know your resemblance
It's out there walking
And I wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten

Well, they tried to make you look broken
But not while I'm living
'Cause I wanted you to know that I heard what you said while it was raining
You're still lovely
You were lovely then
All that you had to endure
I guess nobody noticed it
You made me, and I love you
Did you know nothing has changed?
And now everyone they notice it
Everyone notices

You're still lovely
You were lovely then
All that you had to endure
I guess nobody noticed it
You made me, I love you
Did you know nothing has changed?
And now everyone they notice it
Everyone notices.

Lisa und Elvis ,, In The Ghetto ''

Video ,, IDIOT ''